Friday, September 30, 2011

"little" blog

lit·tle   [lit-l]
1. Small in size; not big; not large; tiny
2. Short in duration; not extensive; short; brief: a little while.
3. Small in number
4. Small in amount or degree; not much: little hope.
5. Of a certain amount; appreciable (usually preceded by a ): We're having a little difficulty.

Dear John "little",

It's not that common. It doesn't happen to everyone. It IS a problem, and NO, I didn't.

No longer your "Little" problem,

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Crazy Ex Girlfriend. Justified?

Warning: I made an ass out of myself. It's Brutal.
...oh I was also drunk, and extra emotional*(monthly). brilliant.

I'm convinced my life is a movie, the whole time this soon-to-be-told brutal story was happening, I was so far removed from the present. I literally felt like I was watching it happen; yelling at myself like you always yell at the idiot girl going to the basement in a scary movie. Literally made a playlist of background music as I was standing there crying/yelling/cursing at my ex. I swear Adele's album 21 played and came full circle. Started with "why don't you remember" then went into to some accusatory statements of cheating, "rumour has it"... followed by slowly downhill spiral of rage "turning tables" ..."rolling in the deep"...then grand finale, "set fire to the rain" and I can assure was set!

What started as a low key Sunday Funday Brunch took a turn for the worst after about, oh I don't know; 4 Mimosas, 2 shots...then 2 vodka drinks. All the while, somehow talking about my ex, friends asking questions wondering what happened. -pot stirred. At this point, I had yet to get my things from his place- granted these things didn't matter; curling iron, body lotion etc...then I remembered he had a key. Drunk thoughts: if I ever did anything..he has a key. Crap, yea I'll go get it.

He had been messaging me and I had yet to reply so I finally sent him a message saying that my friend was going to pick it up, "stuff is on patio he says" I get pissed. Really, you're going leave my shit on the patio. I Get there, get my stuff & head back down and then BOOM! A burst of black Rage- I saw Red, my body was controlling, all logic -gone. I'm knocking on the door, "forgot something" I said. I Barge in and get what I was looking for, then leave you ask?...oh no, I didn't stop there. I don't remember the exact conversation, it was a rage/drunk blackout, I can't decide which was more in control; but I will provide the gist.

"How could you, you're the biggest piece of Sh*t I've ever met, were you dating her before we broke up, yea...I know about her, you think you're that sly, YOUR friends told me" "how dare you, you're right I did take pleasure in you breaking your collar bone after  we broke up" "you racist, I can't believe you used that card." "Wanting to see other people and ALREADY seeing other people are two very different circumstances, douchebag"

His Responses: It's not about her, How did you know, Don't talk about HER!, I just didn't know what to tell you, I couldn't look at you and say those things (douche broke up with me over the phone*) "I just wasn't IN love with you like I thought I was". *BOOM* RAGE**

"You're a low life, you have no real passion, you don't have any substantial dreams, you're a flake" "you'll never find better" "DAMN DISNEY PRINCESS NAME (new girls name is a disney name)"and not even the princess, her name is a octopus's name, who the f**k names their kid after an Octopus??!?" "I hope you get herpes, I hope she gives it to you, or some other incurable disease"

Oh yea, Pretty sure you can imagine just how brutal this all was. I'm not proud, but I did get to say things I wanted to. I don't really remember him putting up too much of a counter argument, so at least I got closure. I'm not happy I did this, but it's making it a whole lot easier to move on now. I did laugh hysterically, the next day at the disney princess part. I'm ridiculous. ..oh and the herpes comment. Told you, grand finale "set fire to the rain" Adele.

Then, there was a call to my mom about how much I had to put up with and how he didn't deserve me. May have been a convo about size..Mom, was less than happy about that, "you, me!" i responded.

I'm not a monster, nor do I actually wish he gets a disease, but...the sentiment of revenge stands. I'm only human. I just wanted him to know, that what he did has consequences, it affected me and that when someone is as selfish as he shouldn't go unsaid. It needed to be expressed. Granted, probably not after drinking..but what can you do. Liquid courage.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Modern Woman's Commandments

#1: Thou shall NOT facebook stalk. 
#2: Thou shall NOT forget or forsake thy friends for a man. Thou will need them when things come crumbling down.
#3: (kicking it old testament) To thine own self be true...keep it 100. Don't lose yourself in any relationship, man or woman.
#3.5: Thou is not lesser, nor shall thy be treated as such. The weaker sex is the one who craves dominance. For, a relationship, requires two complete equals.   
#4: "We" can never replace "I' but "I" can always replace "We"
ex) "we like the Simpsons, his favorite show." "We like going to the race track." (do you really?) "I like Modern Family and Real Housewives of Beverly Hills." "I dislike [hate even] going to the race track." "I kicked hiss ass to the curb!" 
#5: Thou Shall NEVER tolerate dishonesty, cheating, and abuse...under any circumstance. Thou shall feel perfectly in one's own rights to seek revenge. (legally or ..otherwise)