Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Never Have I Ever

....been the last [wo]man standing at this game.

So unless you have been living under a rock, being anti-social or socially awkward you have played "never have I ever" and if you went to a party school.. you have been drunk playing this game. With that said, I went to the University of Texas. I know a thing or two about drinking games.

The one thing I didn't learn early on, is that it is very crucial NOT to play this game with a crush or someone you would like to date. Well, that is.. if you're me. Right off the bat, the closest friends will be your worst enemies, they know everything.. and since the point of this game is to get others drunk it becomes a "hey I'm just going to throw you under the bus and tell everyone your dirty little secrets and if you don't drink, I will tell everyone the whole story, bestie." Awesome. I will fully admit to throwing a few friends under the bus too, but hey that's the nature of the beast.

Anyway, here is why not to play with a crush... they will judge you. They will look at you differently (if you are any fun at all.) No one wants to date the girl who drinks to "never have I ever had sex in a public place" hypothetically, of course. They may want to do other things with you, but dating isn't one of them. With the same token, here is a list of my go-to questions when playing, so I can figure out what kind of person I'm considering... mind you, I want a little mischief and adventure. If you are lets say, more "conservative" Ahem boring and judgy.. you can use these to weed out prospects, I guess.
*I bet you are playing with Natty light..judgy. 

Never Have I Ever:

  1. had sex in a public place
  2. had sex on a first date
  3. had a threesome
  4. cheated on someone
  5. had sex with more than one person in one day
  6. had sex with two or more people in one week
  7. had relations with someone at this table
  8. raped someone *dealbreaker, clearly
  9. murdered someone *dealbreaker, clearly
  10. beat someone up
  11. had an STD * you'll want to know this.
  12. walked in on my parents
  13. masturbated to porn
  14. had to sneak off like a thief in the night before the other person woke up
  15. slept with a friends boyfriend/girlfriend
  16. made a sex tape
  17. been arrested
  18. stole anything
  19. given/received road-head 
  20. traded sex for material things

Yes, I know these are mostly sexual..but hey that's the fun in this game. You're welcome!

Now get to playing  you majestic sexual creatures :)

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