They say... you know the ominous "they," say that dating is like a jungle. There's so many different animals and their own tribes with their own sets of social behaviours. The Bononbos for example are the animals most closely related to humans. The bonobos have a polygamous mating system..its basically one big sexually driven group of animals. They solve issues over food, land, respect and leadership with sex. Sound familiar?
What I think sets us apart, other than opposable thumbs and the ability to speak.. is our history of monogamy, like penguins. (ok that's enough animal talk)
Now..for those of us that are single and are actively seeking an must know how to flirt. This is the most important tool that a single woman should possess - the ability to flirt..and get what she wants.
Now you can be the doting fake princess/damsel in distress.. that's not really my style. Typically this flirting style is for the self proclaimed "hot girls" who are typically blonde and are in some sorority and will yell, "heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey giiiiiiiiiiiirl" across the room. Also a "wwwwwwwooooooooooooooooooooooo girl" when presented with shots.
this style requires vapid conversion, mostly about physical appearances, often a man will discuss how much he can bench, followed by the girl saying how many miles she ran last night.
I'm a little more laid back in my flirting. I guess i'm approachable..which is the first thing a girl should learn. BE APPRAOCHABLE, you will never get hit on if you have a stank face. Smile!
Smiling will get you everywhere. Smile -- look over at the "target" lock eyes, then coyly turn around as if you're embarrassed he caught you. Wait for 3 seconds then look back. He should be smiling by now. Smile bigger, throw a wave if he's reacting. He's yours! ...Then in 3.5 you're PREGNANT!! BOOM! hahah kidding..but this should definitely lead to a conversation, he will come over and all you have to do is be warm, receptive and yourself, remember to smile!
Now, If you're going after a very very attractive guy and you're nervous, you may think he's out of your league.But hey, you're hot, of course you can hit on him! You are going to need to think like this. Guys that know they are attractive are the worst and hardest to whip into shape, they avoid monogamy like the plague. The trick to flirting with this guy is to make him think you could care less about him. Give him the look, then look away. Stand in his area or personal space but avoid talking to him, instead, talk to his friends. Blatantly ignore him and make his friend seem like the most interesting person in the world. He'll be rude then start to crave your attention...then you've got him eating out of your hand. When you finally talk to him make sure you stay away from shallow subjects, don't let him make the conversation about anything physical, like appearances, fitness, or money. You have to keep up this act for a while..because with these guys its all about the chase. Typical.
How to get free drinks: in my experience this works 92.7% of the time. I've honed this down to 3 easy questions which typically results in free drinks. Now, I don't want to toot my own horn but.. toot toot!! This took a couple years to perfect and I think its ready.
Step 1: walk up to a guy at the bar who has just ordered or is about to order a drink.. flash him a big smile, and ask, "do you know if they have any drink specials?" If he does know, say great thanks...what did you get?? (Open ended question) then he'll tell you .. if he doesn't know ask what he's drinking.
Step 2: after he has told you his drink of choice, ask if its good. (Even if you've had it before) he will then ask what you like to drink. NOW tell him 2-3 of your favorite drinks, say you're very indecisive. Continue to make small talk.
Step 3: keep the conversation going. Introduce yourself and your his friends and be bubbly. Now when it is time to order get behind him and say something like, "ughhh I can't decide, you pick..
This will lead him to order for you and if he's any sort of prideful gentleman ...paying for it too!
Direct and take charge flirting: now if you're a "I hate playing games" type of gal and strongly oppose having to "try" this one is for you. The trick here is to be direct and assertive without crossing into the friend zone or being too masculine. Most guys like when a girl is assertive, it takes pressure off of them and also gives them an ego boost. The key here is to be yourself, if you're direct then you should have no problem...walk up to him and introduce yourself. Just don't emasculate the guy in the process.
Now surely at least one of the above will work for you. Be yourself no matter which you choose..just be a better more polished and well educated version of yourself!! Here's to tricking men into relationships and free drinks! Cheers!