Tuesday, September 3, 2013

When life gives you lemons...

When life gives you lemons.. book a flight to NYC by yourself and EAT ALL OF THE PIZZA!

So, recently I've been going through some struggles: financially, professionally, romantically (always) and personally, I've identified and rectified my own struggle with being to comfortable and complacent. Listen, I know how easy it is to make excuses for not shaking it up a little, but when it became less fun for me I knew I had to do something about it. I made new friends, reconnected with old friends, tried harder at shallow friendships and completely changed my routine. I picked up some hobbies, like running and yoga, got out of town a lot, quit looking for men; because let's be honest, when you're looking you find scum. Finally, the big push was realizing that it is OK to go home. I never though I would be moving back home, but I've decided, that right now, it might be for the best. I want to go home, gather myself, make and save some money, maybe make a dent in my student loans, travel some more, consider grad school, grow up a little, then when I'm ready, move to Denver/NYC/Cali/ATX who knows (leaning towards Colorado). Either way, it is not permanent, I want to just go with the flow and follow whatever path I make for myself or the universe interrupts me with, because the universe is one nosy bitch.

On this cusp of my semi-adult decision before the calm, in the midst of a full mental breakdown, I knew that I just needed something to look forward to, which is where this solo trip to NYC started. Luckily, I have great friends and family out there so I will have a place to stay and people to roam and eat with, who else is going to instagram for me? This trip could not come at a better time, in just 2 days I will be in Manhattan, eating, drinking, getting some culture, hipstering it up a little and mostly, just being plain fabulous. I have to say, this new found inner peace and complete Carpe Diem attitude of mine, is pretty amazing and it's a shame it only happened under extreme stress and loss of emotional stability but hey, you know what, I'm just going to ride this wave... because YOLO bitch.

To be continued post NYC....

(it was almost inspiring, ruined it with YOLO, right?)