Wednesday, June 11, 2014

26 Reasons Why People are the Worst

1. People ask you how you are but really don’t care. We all know this and accept it as a general rule of social interaction.

2. Even worse, when people TELL YOU everything when you were just observing the rule just mentioned.

3. Small talk: where you ask the same questions and have to answer the same questions when seeing any acquaintance anywhere or worse, when meeting new people. If your good friends try to engage in small talk, get rid of them

4. People who don’t use turn signals when driving
5. Slow walkers

6. Screaming children

7. Parents of screaming children who do nothing – they are immune and tuned out, THE REST OF US are not.


8. People who answer their phones at the movies – it’s not that important

9. Friends who betray you
10. Friends who you gave a second chance, who BETRAY YOU AGAIN?!?!

11. When people call you and pretend to be interested in how you’re doing only to vent or talk about their own lives or feelings. Just say, “hey I really need to talk” don’t bullshit me with your fake concern for my life.

12. Having to bite your tongue at work because you really need your job

13. Gym rats who judge you

14. People who project their obsessions and insecurities (not necessarily related, but often are) on other people

15. Cheating, humans who cheat ARE THE WORST

16. Not understanding Girl/Guy code and trying to justify your crimes against the sacred code

17. Women who say, “Guys are just less drama, All my friends are guys, girls don’t like me for some reason” YOU. YOU ARE THE REASON. Ovaries before brovaries, betch

18. When a man uses the term, “females” to refer to women

19. When your friend who is constantly on a diet eats a salad as you proceed to inhale the left side of the menu and wash it down with 4 beers, as they sip water

20. When YOU are on a diet and order a salad and your friend proceeds to inhale the left side of the menu and wash it down with 4 beers, as you sip water.

21. When you just want to go dancing and no one wants to go

22. When you’d rather Netflix than go to the same bar with the same people and drink the same thing and have the same conversations you’ve had 23438 other times
23. When the person you are having a conversation with decides now is the best time to text on my phone and check all my messages and bullshit internet farm/village/castle or whatever the shit.

24. When people invite you to a imaginary farm/village/castle/sock game and you’re like WTF, no thanks, too busy living my life in the real world.

25. People who would rather hinder the happiness of complete strangers because it makes THEM uncomfortable

26. People who use religion to justify the afore mentioned - as they, like everyone else, continues living in sin. THEY ARE THE ACTUAL WORST
Soooooo... yea, people are the worst and I am going into hiding.