Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Feminist: The other “F” word.

To eradicate the negative connotation, that should never have been associated; I will dumb it down and give you the exact definition.

Feminism (n): The theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes
"Feminism." Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 3 Sept. 2014. <>.

See, not so harmful is it? I’m sick and tired of being mocked, laughed at, and dismissed or being called a lesbian because surely, a strong independent woman who believes in equal rights of the sexes, can’t also be beautiful, straight, and smart, right? No, instead she’s described as a shrew of a woman, who probably has a penis or is a leg-hair-covered, Birkenstock-wearing, the Feminine Mystique toting lesbian. (Not that there is anything wrong with leg hair or Birkenstocks – that’s just how we are typically portrayed.)
 I’m here to tell you, feminists come in many forms. Many shapes and sizes, and even… sexes. Yes, Men can be feminists too. I’d love to see more of them. What really chaps my cheeks is that the general perception of a feminist is someone who is always complaining, I can see the eye rolls from the news articles, nay, from you reading this right now, but give me a minute. Stop and think about it, if news was presented in a way that was equal to the sexes, then there wouldn't be a feminist reaction. It would be accepted by all. Instead you have people asking women like Tina Fey, “How do you do it all?” Well, why wouldn’t you ask Jimmy Fallon that? He has his own show; he is a parent, why do we not ask this ignorant question to Men? Are we still that simple, that being a successful working parent is so hard to believe --- NO, just being a successful working Mother. Things like this, seem to go unnoticed and not bother a large percentage of people, it is the ones that it insults that need to come to the defense, in this case, Feminists. This is just one of the many examples. But what the general population sees is a rather “normal – inoffensive” question being complained about. But the very nature of the question is so deep rooted with loaded accusations that for us, it isn’t “normal” or “inoffensive” rather, it is an attack on parental duty, on being a successful businesswoman, because surely you must be lacking in either department, how dare you do it all with ease, it presumes.
Another serious issue recently brought to light with all these celebrity nude pictures being leaked is how it is being referred to as a “scandal” rather than a “crime.”  These photos were accessed illegally through their private cell phones. Therefore, as a person who chooses to take any photos of themselves on their own property should not have to apologize for it being illegally obtained and distributed. It is ridiculous. They should not be shamed, held accountable (to an extent, albeit), but definitely shouldn’t be labeled as a scandal or something that was orchestrated.

This issue of a woman having to apologize or take more precautions than a man to be safe is something I have spent countless hours thinking about. Let’s start out with the new nail polish made for women that will test your drink for the “date-rape” drug. Great, it is a great product, and I do fully support being safe. I just wish that this product, made by men, wouldn't NEED to exist in 2014. By telling women to wear nail polish that can save them from being raped, or take self-defense classes in case you get assaulted and raped, or carry a gun in case you are assaulted and raped we are telling them, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE. IT IS UP TO YOU. IF YOU GET ASSAULTED OR RAPED: THIS IS ON YOU. WHY DIDN'T YOU WEAR THE NAIL POLISH? WHY DIDN'T YOU TAKE SELF-DEFENSE CLASSES? WHY WEREN'T YOU PREPARED? It begs the question, who are we really blaming?

THIS. NEEDS. TO. STOP. Wouldn't it be more beneficial to stop the perpetrator? All of this focus on education and responsibility should be placed on the person who ACTUALLY commits the crime. Where is the class for Men on respecting women? Knowing that “NO” is a definitive choice, an answer – NOT a suggestion; that Women ARE NOT property, they are NOT objects solely for their pleasure. WOMEN are individuals with the same rights – and not victims, they are not prey. For every self-defense class for women, there should be an educational “NO means NO” class for men.
I’ll say it again, IT IS 2014. Come on, why is this still an issue?

I won’t even get into the Hillary [freaking] Rodham Clinton debate for fear of losing this audience, but that in itself is a testament to the struggle. Hillary is a badass – I will leave it there.