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The Modern Woman's Commandments
#1: Thou shall NOT facebook stalk.
#2: Thou shall NOT forget or forsake thy friends for a man. Thou will need them when things come crumbling down.
#3: (kicking it old testament) To thine own self be true...keep it 100. Don't lose yourself in any relationship, man or woman.
#3.5: Thou is not lesser, nor shall thy be treated as such. The weaker sex is the one who craves dominance. For, a relationship, requires two complete equals.
#4: "We" can never replace "I' but "I" can always replace "We"
ex) "we like the Simpsons, his favorite show." "We like going to the race track." (do you really?) "I like Modern Family and Real Housewives of Beverly Hills." "I dislike [hate even] going to the race track." "I kicked hiss ass to the curb!"
#5: Thou Shall NEVER tolerate dishonesty, cheating, and abuse...under any circumstance. Thou shall feel perfectly in one's own rights to seek revenge. (legally or ..otherwise)
Rebuttal brought to you by Nick Hannah, "coMANndments":
#1: Twitter is the bread and butter for all communication with women, keep responses under 140 characters
(This is why women everywhere must follow my, or at least learn from, my mistakes.)
The above comment however, did help me through a break-up, Nick's advice was to keep my response short than compared relationships to twitter.
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