I'm far from Poor, I have my health, my family, friends, decent job* (decent is a stretch, but in the times of skyrocketing unemployment, I'm lucky.) I'm not Excellent either, I'm no genius, I don't have a high paying job, I wasn't smart enough to stay away from a Liberal Arts Degree, I'm what you call; single (ouch), I have never been married, I constantly get hurt in relationships and friendships, I'm not the most traveled person, I am in student loan debt (as many of us are)..etc. (this list can go on). So I'm Satisfactory, I'm not poor, not excellent, just stuck in the middle like most of us and I'm sick of it. I lack follow through, I can be described as apathetic to most things, I have a passion for few issues, and on those I make it known. However, I may not actually DO anything about it..I mostly rant. This is my problem and this is what I shall strive to correct. I think there is way for me to be Excellent, the only thing stopping me is ME. Tons of people from a situation such as mine and worse even have made it very far. These people had a drive and follow through and didn't stop because of rejection or an asshole that deters their life plan. NO, they persevered, and so shall I.
I have no clue how to do this, but I do know that if something is important to me...I'm going to do it! So here's my list of things I hope to achieve, do, love etc.
- Find a CAREER, not a job that makes me happy, that I enjoy (rather than dread).
- Find a way into the music industry - PR, Marketing, A&R, Management etc.
- Marry "the one"
- Earn at least 60k
- Write and publish a book
- Travel: NOLA, Bonaroo, sasquatch, Greece, Italy(take my mom), NY, Machu Picchu etc.
- Move out of state - start over.
- Do something that scares me once a year
- Take a massive road trip with close friends
- Get more tattoos: tree, floral & feather sleeve, something meaningful
- Resolve my relationship with my Father - for good.
- Figure out who is really there for me and cherish them. Discard the rest.
- Quit being such a doormat to people who don't deserve me.
- Pick the guitar back up - and make it my bitch.
- Take my Brother snowboarding for his 18th Birthday.
- Start a College fund the day I get pregnant -if and when I ever do.
- Volunteer
- Be more crafty - make things.
- Own a home.
- Do one good deed a day that goes unnoticed.
- Learn to cook authentic Mexican food from my Grandma, before it's too late.
- Make a Thanksgiving meal, by myself.
This is all I can think of... for now, but I fully intent to spend my life trying to accomplish the things that truly matter to me, trivial and otherwise. I WILL be a better person, with the life I want..because otherwise, I'm not living.