Now, clearly trying to avoid both these things.. I'm turning over a new leaf. I'm attempting to be a very modern lady. So keeping what makes me, me and making that less offensive. Also growing up has real way of ensuring karma finds you. You start to realize a lot of what you judged people for a mere 3-5 years ago is exactly what you crave. Karma is a real bitch.
Hey, wanna have sex?
lady translation: Shall we lay together, in the biblical sense?
I'm fucking starving.
"oh, I'm not that hungry, I'll just have a salad."
let's go out and get waaaasted!!!
let's get dinner and maybe a glass of wine. I don't want to get too tipsy. OR let's go dancing!
Bitch please.
ohh, girl, you are too much.
Eww did that guy just hit on you, he's gross
ohh, did that guy hit on you, does he have a job? oh he does.. you should go out with him. --does he have a brother, or friend?
She's engaged? WTF we still have all of our 20s.
she's engaged? omg i'm sooo jealous. Does he have any single friends?
You met on Facebook? --ugh
How do I connect my Facebook to my dating profile sites?
Fuck you.
bless your heart
ohh my word.
Saturday night raging!
wednesday night dinners?
This is a real problem for me. I am not a lady. I guess... i'll just have to wait around for someone to like me for me. lord help me.
I couldn't agree more with "Being a Lady" crossing your legs and keeping hush hushed.. (mother implemented upbringing as well)
However, let us not forget to mention that "back in the day" Men- were also brought up with a particular upbringing, to "Take Care" of this society. (the whole women & children first)
Seems like They have forgotten (with no remorse) their upbringing... Now, Im not saying not to be a lady but Who, gives a man the right to decide if Im a lady or not!
There no longer giving up life jackets for us so- with all do respect, FUuuuuu*K THAT, I will drink, I will Curse, because in the end of it all "Lady" or Not, I still have a vagina!!!
bahahahahhaha! yes yes yes! ok, I will second that. You are right, I will be a lady when I meet a proper gentleman. Until then.. I'm just gonna be awesome.
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