Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Dating Quandary

I along with most other women I know are attracted to jerks. Don't get me wrong, I by no means go looking for the guy who will tear my heart in two. Instead, It's an innate characteristic of my subconscious to recognize this severe character flaw in guys who either suppress it deep down to where even they forget they are tools, or those who have yet to be a tool, but boy do they have it in them. Leave it to me to be the lucky gal who unleashes the beast.

After an earth shattering break-up, and yes I've had my fair share, I attempt to date a guy who is the complete opposite or at least seems like it from the afore mentioned tool. In this case, a very nice guy I met at a concert; (shared interest, granted, met ex at concert..oops). New guy however, into Church, very nice, didn't wait the "3" days, set up a date right away then makes another date at the end of the current one: showing interest. All good, great on paper, but ...I can't tell if I like him because he's different and doing things I always thought I wanted or because I actually like him.

I'm second guessing myself a lot these days, so as you can imagine I don't know what "the feeling" feels like anymore. You know that stomach flip you get when you see or talk to someone you like, I had that with my ex all the time, even though we saw each other everyday. This situation is different, I'm on the mend from said break-up, I'm cautious..have a major guard up. I like talking to him, like spending time with him, enjoy the lady-like and appropriate physical interaction thus far, okay..kissing. I do get enjoyment when I'm with him, but I can't tell if it's nerves or "the feeling". Then I think about all the times I've had a "feeling" before, I never second guessed that or thought twice about it. Also, I don't want to jump into another relationship, I feel like I should date multiple guys, really take advantage of keeping my options opened. I along with most girls though, are decent human beings and once we like someone, we don't want to like anyone else. (World's strangest concept for a Manchild.) So my predicament is...to continue dating this guy? Speed up, slow down, date around??? So many questions running through my mind.

Why can't I be happy with a nice guy? It's not for lack of trying or being open to it. I'm doing everything, but when is that not enough. How much time do you give it?

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